2 Characters = 1 Person

In A Nutshell…Or In Banana Peel is all about products, created by Jesse Sloan (A.K.A., Fatmunkey) that are fun and relaxing and mentally stimulating. It’s about puzzle books and activity books and digital images and and other cool stuff that springs forth from my feeble imagination. is also about fun products that I like and want to share with everyone.  I may sprinkle some of those things around the site and in different posts but, you can find all of by visiting the Buy Stuff PageI am an Amazon Associate so I will earn a  small commission for anything you buy by clicking links in the store.  Think of it like buying me a cup of coffee.  Thanks!

Fatmunkey is poised for a mission to bring you good things and good times. No worries! It’s all just fun!

I am FatMunkey and FatMunkey is me. That’s the long and short of it. If you don’t want to read anymore, feel free to stop now. Go buy a puzzle book.


If you want to know a bit more about me and FatMunkey, read on.

Image Of Jesse Sloan

Jesse Sloan

Fatmunkey Drawing


Contact FatMunkey

If you want to contact me for any reason just drop me line at

Opening The Banana Peels

For some reason, thinking about writing this page put me in mind of the opening line of Richard Nixon’s autobiography, RN:

               “I was born in the house my father built.”

While that isn’t literally true in my case, it does ring true in my heart because, at least figuratively, I was born into my father’s world (house).

Not My Life Story!

Don’t get squeamish on me now! I have no intention of telling my life story here! But it is a page “about “ me (and FatMunkey) so I have to begin somewhere. But be forewarned! No one has ever accused me of being an overly brief writer!

My earliest memories of Dad are slap-dab in the middle of the 1970’s. It was the age of Scooby-Doo, Fred Flintstone, Leave It To Beaver, I Dream of Genie and the oh so cool, Fonzie. One of my favorites was Grape Ape. As far as I was concerned, the coolest man on earth was my Dad.

He was a single father, which was rare for that era. I grew up surrounded by him and his friends. He was an ironworker who traveled from one major construction site to another for the first twelve years of my life. As a result, we were hardly ever in one city for more about six months to a year. I was always the new kid on the block and I was an only child. Most of my playmates were Dad’s ironworker buddies. So, I learned at an early age how to entertain myself.

My Introduction to Puzzle Books

The first time I saw a puzzle book, I was, perhaps, 6 or 7 years old. My Dad was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, listening to the radio and circling words in a book full of letters. Of course, I was curious. I also remember my curiosity getting the better of me. When Dad took a nap that afternoon, I got that book and made some circles of my own. He wasn’t pleased with my results! After my scolding, he sat me down and showed me how a word search puzzle worked.

By the time I was 12, I was hooked on puzzles and games of all sorts. Dad was a ruthless games player himself. Many parents would play a game with a child and let them win occasionally. Not my Dad. He made me fight for every victory!

Other Influences

Another aspect of being that only child, stuck in world full of rough and tumble ironworkers, was that I had a lot of time to burn on my own. When I wasn’t working on puzzles or playing on my Atari, I was watching television and reading comic books.

Television was, as I alluded to earlier, rooted in the 1960’s and 1970’s re-runs. Hanna-Barbera and Looney Tunes classics filled my Saturday mornings and my after-school-mind . Shows like:

  • Tom and Jerry
  • Scooby-Doo (“Herro, Raggy!”)
  • Huckleberry Hound
  • The Jetsons
  • The Flintstones (“Yabba Dabba Doo!”)
  • Jonny Quest
  • Space Ghost
  • Bugs Bunny (“What’s up, Doc?”)
  • Elmer Fudd (“Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit…”)
  • Roadrunner and Coyote
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Marvin the Martian

Comic books were also a favorite for me. I remember reading every Archie & Jughead book I could get my hands on along with Green Lantern, Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, X-Men and, well, the list is nearly endless.

So, you will see in my artwork (book covers and elsewhere), there is a strong influence of cartoons and even comic books of the time.

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Visit Puzzle Master for wood puzzles, wire puzzles, metal puzzles, brain teasers, and more!



Owl Puzzle Being Worked

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FatMunkey Loves Puzzles!

Since I was a small child I have been in love with all sorts of puzzles.  I'm old enough to be one of the lucky kids who got the Rubik's cube when it first came out.  After that I was hooked on puzzles!  From old fashioned wire puzzles, like my grandpa used to have, to jigsaw puzzles to 3D wooden and metal puzzles to highly sophisticated and challenging puzzles of every conceivable variation, Puzzle Masters has a truly astounding collection of puzzles.  You will not regret spending some time browsing their site.

FatMunkey is proud to be an affiliate with Puzzle Master. so, when you click the banner shown here, FatMunkey gets a small commission.  Hey, think of it like buying FatMunkey a cup of Jo!  It goes a long way toward keeping the site up and running.

Puzzle Master

FatMunkey Loves Jigsaw Puzzles!

In his twilight years, my Grampa Whitey really got into working jigsaw puzzles.  By the time he passed away at 85 years of age he collected hundreds of them.  In his room where he worked on them, the puzzle boxes were stacked floor to ceiling along a couple of the walls. 

He would put the puzzles together over several days and then carefully roll the puzzle up, solved and intact, and put it back in the box.  It gave him great satisfaction that he could point to all those puzzles and honestly tell his visitors that he had completed every single one of them.

If he could have seen the superb wooden puzzles made by he would have loved them.  The colors and the graphic details of the puzzles are mesmerizing to behold.

FatMunkey is proud to be an affiliate with so, when you click the banner shown here, FatMunkey gets a small commission.  It helps to keep FatMunkey working away on this website and buys a few bananas.

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Check Out FatMunkey's Books

FatMunkey has a huge selection of sudoku and other puzzle books you are sure to enjoy.

Have look at this post to see all of the books and read about what FatMunkey has published so far.

Fatmunkey'S Puzzle Books


Fatmunkey'S Awesome Sudoku, Volume #1, Front Cover

Get the PDF Book - FREE!

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Bananas, not spam!

Fatmunkey despises icky spam!  He will never ever share or sell your information with anyone.  Ever. Period. Privacy Policy

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