Sudoku Bunt Price: $31.99 (as of 02/04/2023)

This is a 5×5 sudoku type puzzle made from 5 different colored woods.

The object of the puzzle is to arrange the pieces on the board so that no row or column have the same color of wood more than one time.  Some of the pieces have three wwod circles while others have two wood circle.  This makes this a challenging and enjoyable puzzle solve.

This beautiful puzzle is crafted in Germany by Jean-Claude Constantin who designs and makes laser cut wood puzzles, metal puzzles and magic tricks. is a proud affiliate with  When you purchase this item I earn  small commission.


Puzzle Master
Unidragon Jigsaw Puzzles Banner 1

Check Out FatMunkey's Books

FatMunkey has a huge selection of sudoku and other puzzle books you are sure to enjoy.

Have look at this post to see all of the books and read about what FatMunkey has published so far.

Fatmunkey'S Puzzle Books


Fatmunkey'S Awesome Sudoku, Volume #1, Front Cover

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